This is Yunie's blog.
What are you doing here.
Don't worry, I won't bite.
Clicky the right to read me.
About Me
This is YUN.
14 June 1989
Trying her goddamn best to be optimistic about life.
okay, no. Not really. Yet.
Go see her art over here.
Her organiser's over here.
"Ma, people in the past... their love stories seem to be more..." "Romantic?" "Yeah" "And tragic. And beautiful. Which makes people want to fall in love so much," "Mmm..." "UNLIKE YOUR GENERATION." "?!" "ALL YOU ALL DO IS MAKE OUT AND HAVE SEX. SEX, SEX, SEX." "..."
from zhou's blog arh.
yunie blogged at 9:41 AM
Monday, March 30
yunie blogged at 11:00 AM
Realisation sunk in just recently.
And and and.
I realize how grateful I was to have him by my side. Cheering me on.
Smiling to lift my spirits.
Calling to make sure I'm okay.
Giving me his shoulder to cry on no matter the problem.
Keeping me sane.
He knows my tastes. He knows what's my decision.
But hey, remember that if you do need a hug or an ear, I'm here to listen. Don't go hiding in your shell!
I thought I was gonna split into two.
I don't know why. I had been so headstrong in my decision.
Maybe it's like this cos nothing has been happening.
But I firmly believe you're worth the wait, because I love you.
What more can I ask for?
yunie blogged at 7:59 AM
Saturday, March 28
CRAMPS. I fainted from the intense pain.
Wad the hell man.
But I'm happier today, cos its the first time in a long while I feel loved.
We <3s you!
yunie blogged at 8:58 AM
Tuesday, March 24
Its the feeling where every little thing you do as been carefully laid out and if you do something off or out of place there's hell to pay.
I feel you, poor guy.
It's almost over. I can't wait.
yunie blogged at 1:36 PM
yunie blogged at 11:38 AM
Saturday, March 21
I love you Kaine.
Your'e like the bestest best and not to mention sweetest online friend ever.
Thanks for worrying about me, even though you live countries away.