I want you to take a look at yourself.
A long, hard look.
Go ahead, peer into the mirror,
To see what you are.
I want you to see exactly what you are.
I want to tell you.
I feel no shame, no regrets.
You are a cancer.
Taking away all that was ever good to me--
All who were ever good to me.
All of those so-called friends.
You used me.
Abused me.
You left me for dead, thrashing
in the blood of your previous victims.
And now it is my turn.
See that cracked facade.
Look into that broken mirror,
And you will see exactly what I see.
Rapidly burning into extinction.
As I watch, smiling.
Alone in the dark, smirking,
Like the Cheshire cat.
Content in my loneliness
As you flame.
It is not hate, merely pity,
that causes me to watch you.
And then I know...
That it doesn't matter.
It never mattered.
I am free.
And you will never be.
im at my lowest of lows and downest of downs
and then just now i had a real-life-no-joke-im-not-kidding panic attack.
....some sufferers are not under any "fear" or any psychological illness but are under extreme amounts of stress and anxiety resulting in a panic attack -Wikipedia
i couldnt control what was happening to my body for one whole looong hour and its very scary because i thought i was going to die.
the next thing i know, its midnight already.
all the palpitations and sweating and rocking must have concussed me bad.
still feeling down. still feeling low. haiz.. but life has to go on lah....