This is Yunie's blog.
What are you doing here.
Don't worry, I won't bite.
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About Me
This is YUN.
14 June 1989
Trying her goddamn best to be optimistic about life.
okay, no. Not really. Yet.
Go see her art over here.
Her organiser's over here.
I had this feeling like something was missing. It reminded me of that dream where you get to school with no clothes on, but it wasn't that. It was something else.
I meant to say something nicer and more cooperative, but that's what came out. It felt like I couldn't pass up the chance to run her down. It was like letting something out that had to get out. Something that was clawing me to death from the inside.
I just sort of held my nose and sank all the way down into trouble.
It was like this big black cloud of doom sitting on my head.
It was a way only _______ had ever made me feel: like there's something on this old dried up planet that's really worth the price of admission, that almost makes up for everything else.
I have to face the fact that there's a day out there. You know. Waiting for me. It's like there's this wall between me and the day and I can't figure out how to go through it. Or maybe I don't even want to.
She prodded at the colored patches with her finger, and watched as the bright colors became matt and less vivid against her brownish skin.
Her room was gradually filling with familiar voices.
If you want to make random friends, just join in the chatroom and talk to them through there.
I made real good friends, with Kaine, this girl from Germany. She's sweet. And Hugo, from France, but he can't speak much english. Hahaha..
To anybody with a tablet:
Somebody please watch this movie with me. I read the book a looong time ago in the regional library, and i want MOAR. Pleaaase pleease.
yunie blogged at 9:08 AM
Friday, March 6
Me and nina are learning this dance. It's so DIFFICULT.
Thanks lots ninin for introducing me DBSK! Now I don't feel so pedo anymore fangirling over Hey Say JUMP. Hoho.
Final Year Project has officially ended. I can start updating now. Sorry everyone who has been frequenting and seeing no updates. It's been a while.
What's happened in my life so far.
Finished my FYP. Hung out around Tampines. Dance lessons. Hamsters! More people staying at my house. Shit happening. JCG Chalet and Hafizzie's birthday.
...Yeeeeeah. so.. Pictures!
Me and nina Don't you love her? Diyang, Samantha and the birthday boyy. Our little shrine that we made on the beach We were supposed to try to look GOOD. GOOD dammit. Wth is fizz and diyang thinking? And I look so STRESSED! D8< I look pretty fat in this photo. Aaargh, Dee. Never never take me from this angle anymore!! The chalet. OooOOoooOOOo. Diyang, Fizz and Samantha. One happy family. Yeayy.
Oh oh oh. I cleaned out my cupboards today. All my paperworks and books and comics and everything has been rearranged.
Now all my art supplies are within reach and I can concentrate on building up a portfolio. Yeahh man.
And to celebrate my efforts I even drew some pictures. Practice, practice.